Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prepping for the "Road Trip"

The Countdown has begun. For those of you who are in the know, I am about to take off on the trip of my dreams. For years I have platted and planned a road trip that will take me across the US, (mid area in warming weather, north in the summer) then up the East coast to Montreal, and then across part of Canada and back down into the US to MT Rushmore, then home.

Recently, despite the fact that lay off are still happening, outplacement has become an expense item, and like everyone else, we have had cutbacks. So, sensing that I had come to the end of the road, i volunteered to take a sabbatical and hit the road.

I would be lying if I did not say there were moments leading up to this when I have thought' "WHAT AM I DOING?", yeah that's right, a screaming voice in my head...... Anyway, the other voice, the adventurer, kept pushing with "Why not?" SO here I am, prepping to hit the road on April 9/10

This has been a great experience as friends, colleagues have come forward, with advice, with resources, one wonderful man gave me a Tom Tom GPS and a comprehensive list of things I will need, including a bear whistle, just in case of emergency. An family member, by marriage has suggested a weather radio, because I will be going through tornado country, what a great big country this is.

I joined AAA and even had them make up some trip tiks for me with alternating route. And most gratifying, as I have reached out to friends, not seen in a very long time, I have wonderful reunions to look forward to celebrating.

So, continuing to make the lists, stock the car, and sort through clothes to bring, I forge on. Keep posted.