Sam Keene once said that life is a series of beginnings without endings. This trip has really driven that home as I meet up with friends, some new, and some that go way back into the dark reaches of my life. I have had a lifetime of friendships with some truly wonderful people and am so grateful for the circumstance has brought them into my life.
Since I arrived in Montreal, I have been having a busy time just connecting with old friends. I had a lot of phone numbers, but in a couple of cases, I just rang doorbells and it was fun to see the surprised, then happy reaction. Lots of big hugs. Needless to say that after seventeen or more years, we have all changed some, and some more than others. I always wonder, if I am thinking that they have changed, aged, what are they thinking when they see me. We all say the same thing..... "You have hardly changed, I would have recognized you anywhere." What has changed is that we are all now grandparents and the children I knew years ago, are now themselves parents. Some of the children have changed so much, I would not recognize them.
Driving around Montreal has been an adventure. It is spring and the road repair from winter is well underway.... construction everywhere. Every time I set out on one of my well travelled routes, I get detoured and taken down all different side streets. The bonus of that is that I will go by a street and thing... "that's where Mon Oncle George lived" bringing back memories of many New Years day parties with the French side of the family, and I have seen all the houses that I lived in. I have driven by the schools my son and daughter went to, including the Marcelines, that was totally by accident...actually I was lost at the time.
Today we went shopping downtown to Ogilvys and Holt Renfrew, two establishments for Montreal retail therapy. They look the same from the outside, buy they are so chic and trendy inside I did not feel that I was in the same stores
I knew years ago. Fashion here is very European, and the shoes, though costly, are beautiful. Very tempted. I have to keep reminding myself of what I have at home, and the fashion differences between Montreal and San Jose. On thing I will be doing is raiding the grocery store for things I cannot get in California. Off to have dinner with more dear friends.
If you see anything I'd like...don't be shy. Hee hee
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