Friday, April 23, 2010

Exploring Beaufort, NC

On the Deck at "Up The Creek"

After a quiet day of beach walking with the dogs, then hanging out at a local joint - Up The Creek - for Happy hour and Bar-B-Q, yesterday we went into Beaufort (pronounced Bew-Fert, rhymes with few) so as not to be confused with Beaufort, NC, pronounced the usual way.

Beaufort is a quaint little town on the inland waterway, about an hour from HH, that is very easy to walk around and well known for being the site of several films including Forrest Gump, Big Chill, The Great Santini, Something to Talk About. We had a really nice lunch on the inland waterway (Shrimp Po'Boys - my first) then walked around the downtown shopping area. They had an old 5 & Dime (Wollworths) store that had been renovated to accomodate a series of small boutiques.

Everyone is very friendly and we stopped in at a shop that was also the center for walking tours, and the woman just gave us her tour map so we could set out on our own. We saw so many lovely big old houses, built in the 1700 and 1800's, with big verandas and front balconies, as well as some original slave quarters. I recognized the Big Chill house, which is privately owned so you cannot get too close, as well as the house that was used for the movie Forces of Nature with B. Affleck and S. Bullock.

Today is my last day in Hilton Head, as I set out tomorrow for New Jersey. Joe helped me check the oil this morning, so I am good-to-go. I took long walk with Shirley and the dogs this morning, almost two hours, and now am getting ready to sort through my things and load up the car

Although I will be sad to leave, the Newtons have been so welcoming and fun to hang out with, great company, rich conversation, tasty food and wine, I am looking forward to the next part of the roadtrip, which will reunite me with the nuns who rescued me three years ago when I was almost stranded in the Newark Airport for three days.... That's a whole other story. Later.....


Stephanie said...

Sounds wonderful! We should all do walking tours in all the cities we visit.