Thursday, April 29, 2010

Merrin, Zoe & Liam - Mile 3985, and Going Strong

This morning as I was planning my next move, turned on the news ..... accidents everywhere .... near-by Newark, NYC, the Turnpike. So, Liam plotted a route around it all and off we went on the NJ Garden Parkway, a huge improvement over the turnpike. We completely by passed the City and took the very amazing Tappanzee Bridge over the Hudson River north of the city, then cut through Rye to the Greenwich area, all very beautiful, picturesque, and for the most part traffic free.
Liam was very patient with me today, as I decided to take to road less travelled in CT, and got off the highway and to the Old Boston Post Road that meandered along Long Island Sound through quaint little towns and villages. Everytime I would decide to turn off, he would quietly recalculate and give me new directions. What a guy :)
Had my first Tim Horton's sighting, and stopped at Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale in Madison for a delicious lobster role. Arrived in Wethersfield and spent the rest of the day visiting my grandson and his parents. Tomorrow will be a slow day in the morning while Zack is at School and Francois works, then more hanging out. Closing in on the Canadian border and getting excited to see friends and family north of the border


Stephanie said...

I'm glad you took the long way. Make sure to slow down on the journey and enjoy everything.