Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Exploring Savannah

Shirley and I spent yesterday walking around the "Squares" district of Savannah looking at all the big historic houses. The one house we wanted to see was the Mercer house that was features in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil".
When we got there we drove around a little, then decided to park and walk.

We found a pretty little square to park beside and immediately took off towards the big park that was used in the dog walking scene in the movie. We went around the entire park, looking at houses, then wandered from square to square until we found a cute little tea shop to have lunch.

After lunch we continued our quest to find Jim Mercer's house. Someone, who appeared to have great authority on the subject, told us to go to Lafayette Square for the Mercer House. So off we went. Within fifteen minutes we realized that we needed to get back to the car, the meter was running out. We could not remember where we parked and were all turned around. So we zeroed in on the big park and back tracked to the car from there. it turned out we had parked on Monterey Square ... you think I would remember that!At this point we were foot weary, so we decided to keep looking for the house by car.

After much circling of each little square in the area we had been told to look, a local pointed us to a set of squares two blocks over, and guess what - Monterey Square is where we found what we were looking for .... if we had turned around and looked over our shoulders when we got out of the car in the first place, we would have seen the house right away. All the walking and we had unwittingly arrive exactly where we wanted to be.

Back to Hilton Head and a little retail therapy, then home for dinner and the hot tub. Shirley is letting me cook and I'm having lots of fun.


Stephanie said...

That's so funny. It was an "I love Merrin (Lucy)" moment.

Anonymous said...

I am totally enjoying reading about your adventures and smiling at your wonderful since of humor! Give my love to Joey and Shirley...miss ya

Cindi Lubeck said...

that anonymous comment was me!